Getting started
The JobTech Taxonomy API is divided into four sections GraphQL, Main, Specific Types and Suggesters.
The GraphQL section is the most modern approach to fetch data from the API and is the recommended way of fetching data from the API. Our long term goal is to be able to replace all other endpoints with the GraphQL endpoint. With the GraphQL end point you can fetch concepts (words) and their relations to other concepts.
The Main section contains the core functionalities of the API like retrieving concepts (words) from different taxonomies. It also has endpoints helping you to track and react to changes in the taxonomies.
The Specific Types section contains typed endpoints for taxonomies that has specific fields like statistical codes for SSYK and SNI.
The Suggesters section contains endpoints that helps end users finding values from the taxonomies when they are creating structured data based on the taxonomies. There is an autocomplete endpoint that suggest concepts that can assist users creating CVs or job ads.
About SLA, to see statistics on our actual uptime to get a realistic idea on our availability. See this page Uptime statistics
Our commitment is that the Jobtech Taxonomy API will be operating during office hours. If you are in need of a higher uptime you should implement a fall back solution with a local copy of the Jobtech Taxonomy.
API Changes
There are two ways to get notified when changes occur in the Taxonomy API. The first is to subscribe to our API RSS feed, and the second is to register a user on and subscribing to the API changes topic.
The content of the taxonomies is constantly being updated and changes are released in a controlled manner.
In order to fetch version 1 of the Taxonomy you have to add the query parameter "version" and set it to "1".
"taxonomy/id": "tHZB_LJU_8LG",
"taxonomy/type": "occupation-name",
"taxonomy/definition": "Barnsjuksköterska, mottagning/vårdcentral",
"taxonomy/preferred-label": "Barnsjuksköterska, mottagning/vårdcentral",
"taxonomy/relations": {
"taxonomy/broader": 2,
"taxonomy/narrower": 0,
"taxonomy/related": 2,
"taxonomy/substitutability-to": 6,
"taxonomy/substitutability-from": 7
If you don't add the query parameter "version" to your request you will always get the latest version of the Taxonomy.
"taxonomy/id": "tHZB_LJU_8LG",
"taxonomy/type": "occupation-name",
"taxonomy/definition": "Barnsjuksköterska, mottagning/Barnsjuksköterska, vårdcentral",
"taxonomy/preferred-label": "Barnsjuksköterska, mottagning/Barnsjuksköterska, vårdcentral",
"taxonomy/relations": {
"taxonomy/broader": 2,
"taxonomy/narrower": 0,
"taxonomy/related": 2,
"taxonomy/substitutability-to": 6,
"taxonomy/substitutability-from": 7
No authentication is needed for read access of published versions.
Below we only show the URLs. If you prefer the curl command, you type it like:
curl "{URL}" -H "accept: application/json"
Main Endpoints
This endpoint will list all available types in the taxonomies
This endpoint will list all available relation types in the taxonomies.
The broader / narrower relation is for hierarchical relations.
The related relation is a non specific relation like a keyword that is related to an occupation name.
The substitutability relation is for showing related occupations that can substitute one another. For example, if an employer wants to hire a “Barnmorska, förlossning" but can't find any they can do a search for a "Barnmorska, vårdavdelning/BB-avdelning" instead. The substitutability-percentage will show how well the occupation can substitute another occupation.
This endpoint will let you retrieve concepts from different taxonomies.
Example List all Skill headlines
This request will fetch all concepts of type skill headline.
Example Relations
This request will fetch concepts that has a narrower relation from the concepts “Databaser” and “Operativsystem”.
Example 2. Multiple types
This request will fetch concepts of types ssyk-level-1 ssyk-level-2 and ssyk-level-3
This endpoint will list relations between two types of concepts in the taxonomies. It’s main use case is to be able to build tree views of the taxonomy. It will also list extra metadata on the relations.
Example Tree view Occupation Field, ssyk-level-4, occupation-name
With the help of these two request you can build a tree view bottom up of the occupation-name -> ssyk-level-4 -> occupation-field hierarchy
Example Occupation name substitutability
This request will fetch occupation names that has a substitutability relation to each other. For example, if an employer wants to hire a “Barnmorska, förlossning" but can’t find any they can instead use information from this endpoint to search for a "Barnmorska, vårdavdelning/BB-avdelning". The substitutability-percentage will show how well the occupation can substitute another occupation.
This endpoint will list all changes that have occurred to the taxonomies. It’s a list of events of the types CREATED, DEPRECATED and UPDATED.
You can use it to be able to react to changes in the taxonomies. For example if a job seeker is subscribing to job recommendations based on a specific occupation name and that occupation name becomes deprecated, this endpoint will contain information that the deprecation occurred so you can inform the job seeker to update their search profile.
This endpoint will list all deprecated concepts that has been replaced by another newer concept.
This endpoint will list all published versions of the taxonomies.
GraphQL endpoint
GraphQL is a modern query language for APIs that is especially useful for fetching multiple related resources at once in a single request. Since this taxonomy consists of highly inter-related concepts, GraphQL is a naturally fitting instrument for building complex queries that require only a single round-trip to server.
GraphiQL is an interactive GraphQL explorer that helps you browse the taxonomy and build queries interactively. It is accessible on this page.
You can learn GraphQL, as well as taxonomy dataset and terms, using interactive Explorer UI that shows all available options and allows to build queries by selecting from them. You can read Docs to learn about our schema and meanings of different concept fields.
GraphQL endpoint for programmatic access — /v1/taxonomy/graphql
— is also documented on the Swagger API page, so once you've finished building your GraphQL query in GraphiQL, you can use query's text as a query
parameter to see how curl commands or urls will look like, for example:
Example Fetch Swedish regions and municipalities (län and kommuner) in one request
query MyQuery {
concepts(id: "i46j_HmG_v64") {
narrower {
narrower {
Example Fetch ssyk-level-4 and occupation-name based on occupation-field Data/IT
query MyQuery {
concepts(type: "occupation-field", id: "apaJ_2ja_LuF") {
narrower(type: "ssyk-level-4"){
narrower(type: "occupation-name") {
Example Fetch related skills to occupation-name Mjukvaruutvecklare
query MyQuery {
concepts(id: "rQds_YGd_quU") {
broader(type: "ssyk-level-4") {
related(type: "skill"){
Example Fetch Standard för svensk näringsgrensindelning (SNI) taxonomy
query MyQuery {
concepts(type: "sni-level-1"){
narrower(type: "sni-level-2"){
Specific Endpoints
These endpoint acts like the /v1/taxonomy/main/concepts but will also display specific metadata on the concepts like ssyk or country codes.
Example Fetch SSYK codes for all levels
Suggesters Endpoints
This endpoint is to help end users to find concepts in the taxonomies.
Example Autocomplete programming languages starting on “sc”
With this request you can autocomplete programming languages starting on the letter “sc”
Example Autocomplete occupation names with related keywords
Let's say a user wants to find jobs as a “Lastbilsförare” and starts typing the word “lastb”.
We make a first request to this endpoint also limiting the result to occupation-name and keyword. The response contains the concept “Lastbilsförare” but not as an occupation-name but as a keyword.
If the user show interest in the word “Lastbilsförare” we can make another request for related occupation names with the /v1/taxonomy/main/concepts endpoint.
The results of your queries will be in edn, transit+messagepack or transit+json or JSON.
Successful queries will have a response code of 200 and give you a result set that consists of:
Unsuccessful queries will have a response code of:
HTTP Status code | Reason | Explanation |
400 | Bad Request | Something wrong in the query |
401 | Unauthorized | You are not using a valid API key (private endpoints only) |
500 | Internal Server Error | Something wrong on the server side |
Here is a diagram over the types in the taxonomies and what relations they have to each other. The "broader" relation always has an implicit "narrower" relation in the opposite direction. The "related" relation always has an implicit "related" relation in the opposite direction.
Convert between Old and New Taxonomy ids
If you need to convert data that contains ids from the old taxonomy service you can use these APIs to convert between old and new Taxonomy ids:
Please be aware of that occupation-group, municipality, region are not using the legacyDatabase id but statistical codes, like SSYK, länskod, kommunkod.
Also note that "driving license", is named "driving licence", in the the new taxonomy API
Taxonomy + Ontology
The Job market Ontology is being merged with the JobTech Taxonomy. This is an ongoing task. The values of the Ontology will become either new concepts, alternative labels or keywords and all identifiers will be replaced with Jobtech Taxonomy identifiers where it's applicable.
Ontology files
A file dump of the Ontology can be downloaded here: Ontology Files