Using the REPL
The common way of launching a REPL is from within an IDE. However, you can also launch a REPL directly from the terminal using the following command:
clj -M:dev
The advantage of running a REPL from the IDE is typically that you can send code from the IDE directly to the REPL to be evaluated.
Once started, it will look like this:
Clojure 1.11.3
To launch the server with the default configuration, do
user=> (start)
which will start a server and once started will display something like this:
2024-05-03T08:31:39.402Z jonas INFO [jobtech-taxonomy.api.core:33] - Started http://jonas:8080
{:started ["#'dev/http-server"]}
The user
namespace is initialised from env/dev/clj/user, in particular the comment
clauses towards the end describes how the functionality in the namespace is intended to be used.
(ns user
{:clj-kondo/config '{:linters {:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var {:level :off}}}}
(:require [clj-http.client :as client]
[ :as cdj]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[expound.alpha :as expound]
[jobtech-taxonomy.api.config :refer [get-config transduce-backends]]
[mount.core :as mount]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]))
(alter-var-root #'s/*explain-out* (constantly expound/printer))
(defn add-taps []
(add-tap (bound-fn* pprint)))
(def dev-cfg (atom (get-config [])))
(defn show-configs []
(let [cfg @dev-cfg]
{:available (mapv :id (:backends cfg))
:active (:database-backend cfg)
:multi (:compare-backends cfg)}))
(defn activate-config [cfg-id & cfg-ids]
(swap! dev-cfg
#(-> %
(assoc :database-backend cfg-id)
(dissoc :compare-backends)
(merge (if cfg-ids {:compare-backends (into [cfg-id] cfg-ids)} {}))))
(activate-config '
(def api-root
(str "http://localhost"
(if-let [port (get-in @dev-cfg [:options :port])]
(str ":" port "/")
(defn ^:export ppt []
(pprint *1))
(defn ^:export get-raw-body [path]
(-> (str api-root path)
(defn get-json-body [path]
(-> (get-raw-body path)
(cdj/read-str :key-fn keyword)))
(defn ^:export api-json []
(get-json-body "v1/taxonomy/swagger.json"))
(defn ^:export tax-get [path]
(get-json-body path))
(defn ^:export load-config
([] (reset! dev-cfg (get-config [])))
([cfg] (reset! dev-cfg cfg)))
(defn start []
(reset! @#'mount/-args @dev-cfg)
(mount/start-without #'dev/repl-server))
(defn stop []
(mount/stop-except #'dev/repl-server))
(defn restart []
(defn query-url [& re-parts]
(->> (api-json)
(keep (fn [[k m]]
(let [url (name k)]
(when (every? #(re-find % url) re-parts)
{:url (name k) :methods (keys m) :info m}))))
(defn reduce-param [params]
(->> (group-by :in params)
(map (fn [[n g]]
[n (mapv #(let [dissoc-falsy ((remove %) dissoc)]
(-> (dissoc % :in)
(dissoc-falsy :required)
(dissoc-falsy :deprecated))) g)]))))
(defn get-query [api-entry method]
(when-let [method-info (get-in api-entry [:info method])]
{:url (:url api-entry)
:method method
:summary (:summary method-info)
:parameters (reduce-param (:parameters method-info))}))
;; This example demonstrates how you can start a short-lived server
;; to try things out. In this particular case, we attempt to reproduce
;; the datomic timeout reported in
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unresolved-symbol]}
[{:keys [url]} (->> []
(transduce-backends (filter (comp #{:datomic} :type))))]
(str url "/v1/taxonomy/suggesters/autocomplete?query-string=mjaoelimjaoelimjao&related-ids=i46j_HmG_v64&relation=narrower")
{:accept :json}))
;; Show what will be logged and how.
(pprint log/*config*)
;; Possibly add taps.
;; Start by loading a config, any config, for the mount-system.
;; This is optional, but allows any config to be loaded.
(load-config (get-config []))
;; Proceed by starting the mountable things, except for the REPL, since you are in it.
;; Let's look at the Swagger API!
;; query-url takes some reg-exps that has to match the url
(->> (query-url #"relation" #"changes" #"main")
(keep #(get-query % :get))
;; (log/set-min-level! :debug)
;; Change the config. This particular one will break the system.
(reset! @#'mount/-args {:options {:port 3000}})
;; Just to clear the air a bit.
;; Stop the system!