Work descriptions


Concepts that describe conditions at a workplace or the nature of a job, usually in terms of working environment.


The work descriptions are managed by Arbetsförmedlingen. The descriptions consist of concepts that are categorized under a number of classifications.

The concepts are intended to be used, among other things, to describe workplaces or as a complement to a occupation-name concept, for example when describing a previous employment in a CV.

To the greatest extent possible, the concepts follow language that has already been defined by trusted sources, for example through legislative texts (see employment type) or by Arbetsmiljöverket (Swedish Work Environment Authority) (see workplace environment).

Employment duration

Employment-duration denotes the length of an advertised employment. For instance, Tills vidare and 3 månader - upp till 6 månader.

These concepts can be found primarily in job ads.

Workplace environment

The term workplace environment refers to workplace specific descriptions regarding the work environment or a workplace's conditions. For example, if it involves beredskapstjänst or höghöjdsarbete.

Worktime extent

Worktime extent, describes the amount of time a specific job offers, either full-time or part-time.

These concepts are mainly used in job advertisements.

Wage type

Wage type refers to the type of wage on offer for a specific job, for instance rörlig ackords- eller provisionslön.

These concepts are mainly used in job advertisements.

Employment type

Employment type, refers to concepts that have been defined as types of employment in the Lagen om anställningsskydd (LAS), for example Tillsvidareanställning.

These concepts are mainly used in job advertisements.

Self employment type

Self-employment type refers to concepts that can be used to describe such employments that cannot be defined formally as employment types. For example, Franchisetagare.

Occupation experience year

Occupation-experience-year describes a job seeker's experience (in time) in conjunction with a specific occupation-name concept. For instance, 2-4 års erfarenhet or Ingen erfarenhet.

These concepts primarily occurs in descriptions of a job seeker's qualifications, for example in CVs.

Employment variety

Employment variety acts as a top node for both employment-type and self-employment-type concepts, and may refer to either, forming a two level hierarchy.

GraphQL examples

The queries below can be tested through our GraphiQL interface.

Get all employment varieties

query MyQuery {
  concepts(type: "employment-variety") {
    narrower {