SSYK level 4


The SSYK structure's fourth and most detailed level.


SYK level 4 groups (see SCB's documentation), play an important role in many contexts, not least within the Employment Service's handling of occupations related to forecasting, statistics and analysis. In the Taxonomy, the SSYK level 4 groups are used as hubs to which many other concepts are linked, including occupation name concepts and skills.

The SSYK structure is managed by SCB (Statistics Sweden). Concerning its fourth level, Arbetsförmedlingen, together with SCB, decided upon a slightly modified version for use primarily in matching. In this documentation, that version is called Af-SSYK. The variant is largely identical to the structure's regular fourth level, but differs in some groupings, namely managerial ones.

Note that conventionally within Arbetsförmedlingen a group belonging to the SSYK structure's fourth level is called "occupation group/yrkesgrupp" or "yrkesmall".

The latter actually refers to a collection of concepts showcasing occupation-name concepts together with skills, by using their relations to an SSYK level 4 group. Within the core operations of Arbetsförmedlingen, these templates are well established and are primarily used as a reference when working with job seekers.

All SSYK level 4 are attributed with an ssyk-code-2012, which denotes their four-digit SSYK codes. In addition, they also have a definition, definition, which was created when SSYK-2012 was developed. The attributes included in the SSYK level 4 groups generally do not change. Changes only occur in cases such as spelling errors. But changes concerning definition, label, etc., that could result in the scope or description of a SSYK level 4 group being changed, do not occur.

The following is an example on how an SSYK level 4 group can be defined:

  "data": {
    "concepts": [
        "id": "DJh5_yyF_hEM",
        "preferred_label": "Mjukvaru- och systemutvecklare m.fl.",
        "definition": "Analyserar, designar och utvecklar IT-system eller delar av system. Utformar och utvecklar lösningar för programvara, applikationer, system och databaser.",
        "type": "ssyk-level-4",
        "ssyk_code_2012": "2512"

Relations to other concept types

SSYK level 4 concepts are related to a number of other concept types. Below is an illustration on how those relations are defined within in the Taxonomy.

graph TD;
A --narrower--> B
A --related--> C
D --narrower--> A
E --narrower--> A
A --related--> F
    A("ssyk level 4");
    B("occupation-name concept");
    E("ssyk level 3")
    F("forecast occupation")

Occupation name concepts

An occupation-name concepts must always be linked to one (and only one) SSYK level 4 group. Given that they are more detailed than SSYK level 4 groups, it is generally the case that there are links from a SSYK level 4 group to several occupation name concepts. Connections between SSYK level 4 groups and occupation-name concepts are defined with the narrower relation.


Generally spekaing, the same principle applies to skills, but there are a number of exceptions. Most skills are linked to one or more SSYK level 4 groups, but in instances where the skills are so generally defined that they could be applicable in almost all groups, they are not linked to any. Read more about skill concepts and general competences in the documentation on skills. Skill concepts are linked to the SSYK level 4 groups with the relation type related. The reason why related is used and not narrower, as with occupation name concepts, is that a skill's relationship to a SSYK level 4 group is not as clearly defined.

Occupation fields

In addition to being the most detailed level in the SSYK structure, SSYK level 4 is part of a separate hierarchy, developed by Arbetsförmedlingen, where occupation field constitutes the highest level and occupation-name the lowest, see example below.

graph TD;
A --narrower--> B
B --narrower--> C
    subgraph "occupation field"
    subgraph "ssyk level 4 group"
    B("2512 - Mjukvaru- och systemuvecklare m.fl.");
    subgraph "occupation name concept"

Forecast occupations

Please note that forecast occupations are being replaced with barometer occupations.

Another example of concepts associated with SSYK level 4 groups is Forecast Occupations, which can consist of one or more such connections.


Given that they are static and owned by SCB, the SSYK level 4 concepts do not require much management from the Arbetsförmedlingen. However, the connections to the concepts are continuously updated. For example, when a new occupation-name concept or skill is created, or when any of them changes SSYK level 4 group..

GraphQL examples

The queries below can be tested through our GraphiQL interface.

Get all SSYK level 4 groups

query MyQuery {
  concepts(type: "ssyk-level-4") {
query MyQuery {
  concepts(type: "ssyk-level-4") {
    narrower(type: "occupation-name") {
query MyQuery {
  concepts(type: "ssyk-level-4") {
    related(type: "occupation-name") {