
The database

As an example we set up a database that contains the following schema.

[{:db/ident :local-id
  :db/doc "Local identifier for the entity."
  :db/valueType :db.type/string
  :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
  :db/unique :db.unique/identity}
 {:db/ident :occupation
  :db/doc "Occupation of the entity."
  :db/valueType :db.type/string
  :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
 {:db/ident :annotation
  :db/doc "Annotations for the entity."
  :db/valueType :db.type/string
  :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
 {:db/ident :remote-id
  :db/doc "Remote identifier for the entity."
  :db/valueType :db.type/string
  :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
  :db/unique :db.unique/identity}]

And fill it with this data describing roles, actors and extras who have played roles in film adaptions of the novel Treasure Island by Robert Luis Stevenson.

[{:remote-id "NOT MAPPED"}
 {:local-id "Presenter"
  :occupation "Disembodied Voice of the Narrative"}
 {:remote-id "Walt Disney"}
 {:local-id "Hispaniola"
  :annotation "This is the fictional ship!"}
 {:remote-id "Hispaniola"
  :annotation "This is the actual boat!"}
 {:local-id "Long John Silver"
  :occupation "Mighty Pirate!"}
 {:remote-id "Robert Newton"
  :annotation ["An irrelevant fact."
               "And another one."]
  :occupation "Not A Scientist Actually"}
 {:remote-id "L. Charles"
  :occupation "Actor!"}
 {:remote-id "Eddie Izzard"}
 {:local-id "Captain Smollett"}
 {:remote-id "Basil Sydney"}
 {:remote-id "Fred Tooze"}
 {:remote-id "Philip Glenister"}
 {:local-id "Jim Hawkins"}
 {:remote-id "Bobby Driscoll"}
 {:remote-id "Michael Croudson"}
 {:remote-id "Toby Regbo"}
 {:local-id "Just This Guy, You Know"
  :occupation "Galactic President"}]

Now we have a database with information, but it lacks relations. Who played what and when?


Treasure Island (1950)

 {:type :default
  :organisation "The Mighty Pirates"
  :family "Epics"
  :name "Skattkammarön"
  :version "1950"
  :taxonomy-version "23"
  :description "En film om en skattkammare på en ö."
  :uri "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0043067/"}
  {:id :local-id
   {:occupation :role}}
  {:id :remote-id
   :mapping :remote-id
   :include {:occupation :occupation}}}
  [["Presenter" "Walt Disney"]
   ["Hispaniola" "Hispaniola"]
   ["Long John Silver" "Robert Newton"]
   ["Long John Silver" "L. Charles"]
   ["Captain Smollett" "Basil Sydney"]
   ["Captain Smollett" "Fred Tooze"]
   ["Jim Hawkins" "Bobby Driscoll"]
   ["Jim Hawkins" "Michael Croudson"]]}}

Treasure Island (2021)

 {:type :default
  :organisation "The Mighty Pirates"
  :family "Epics"
  :name "Skattkammarön"
  :version "2012"
  :taxonomy-version "23"
  :description "En helt ny film om en skattkammare på en ö."
  :uri "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1820723/"}
  {:id :local-id}
  {:id :remote-id
   :mapping :remote-id}}
 {:targets [{:db/id "not-mapped"
             :mapping.external/id "N/A"
             ["This is source has no mapping."]
             [[:label "Not Mapped"]]}]
  :edges [["Presenter" {:db/id "not-mapped"}]
          ["Hispaniola" "Hispaniola"]
          ["Long John Silver" "Eddie Izzard"]
          ["Captain Smollett" "Philip Glenister"]
          ["Jim Hawkins" "Toby Regbo"]]}}

Updatable mappings and edges

If there is a new EURES ESCO v. 2.0.0-alpha under test and the edge is valid under this new version the update could be encoded as follows:

{:id <eures_esco_v_2.0.0-alpha_entity_id>
 :family "EURES"
 :name "ESCO"
 :testing "This is just for internal exploration ..."
 :version "2.0.0-alpha"
 :bi-directional false}
{:source <source_entity_id>
 :target <target_entity_id>
 :mapping [ <eures_esco_v_1.0.9_entity_id>
            <eures_esco_v_2.0.0-alpha_entity_id> ]}