Job titles


A title that refers to a specific job.


A job title can be seen as a variation of an occupation-name (LINK) concept. The job title is usually more specific, sometimes even specific to a certain organization, and not as widely accepted (in terms of the broader labour market) as the occupation-name concept to which it is linked. A job title should not be seen as a direct synonym for an occupation-name concept (for synonymization, the attribute alternative-labels is used instead).

The example below shows how a job title relates to an occupation-name concept (LINK).

graph LR;
B --related--> A
    subgraph "occupation-name concept" 
    subgraph "job title"

A job title is always connected to an occupation-name (LINK) concept with the relation-type (LINK) related.


The job titles attempts to broaden the language used to represent occupations in the Taxonomy. The idea is to capture variations of a concept and link the job title to it. In this way, a basis is created for building end-user services that allows for a broader spectrum of words that can guide the user towards a fitting occupation-name (link) concept.


A majority of the job titles originates in the synonym dictionary used by JobAd enrichments. Terms from the dictionary have been evaluated before being created and tied to an occupation-name (LINK) concept in the Taxonomy.

In order to assess whether a certain concept is more suitable as a job title or as an occupation-name (LINK) concept, consideration is taken of how widely accepted the concept appears to be by looking at various sources on the internet and job advertisements. The level of detail of the concept can also be helpful in the assessment, as a concept that is too specific is often more suitable as a job title.

Connections to the synonym dictionary

Please note that there is no actual reference/link between the job title in the Taxonomy and the concept in the synonym dictionary. The job titles taken from the synonym list have simply been created in the Taxonomy as their own, independent concepts, and it is only through their preferred-label that they can be matched to corresponding concepts in the synonym list. However, it is not guaranteed that the preferred-label is exactly the same as the corresponding designation in the synonym list, as there are cases where the title needed to be adapted to the naming conventions in the Taxonomy.

Job titles and keywords

Just like job titles, keywords are terms that can be used to refer to occupation-name (LINK) concepts. There are however a number of characteristics that separates them:

  • keywords can be connected to multiple types of concepts, wheras job titles can only be connected to occupation-name concepts (LINK).
  • job titles are much more specific than keywords
  • a job title usually only refers to one occupation-name concept (LINK), whereas a keywords is usually related to a number of concepts

Below are a number of examples depicting the differences.

Regarding job titles:

Regarding keywords:

Please note that only a limited number of relationships are shown above, for example Avlopp and Järnväg are related to many more occupation name concepts (LINK).

GraphQL examples

The queries below can be tested through our GraphiQL interface.

All occupation-name concepts with relations to job titles

query MyQuery {
  concepts(type: "occupation-name") {
    related (type: "job-title"){