Barometer occupations
A barometer occupation is a collection of occupation-name concepts used for aggregating data for labour market information, such as prognosis and regional assessments of the current situation for a specific occupational cluster.
The Swedish Public Employment Service has changed the method for making occupational forecasts. The new method provides assessments of current job opportunities and the recruitment situation within occupations, both at the regional and national level. In addition to a current assessment, there is also a forecast of how the demand for labor within each barometer occupation is expected to develop over a five-year period.
A barometer occupation is tied to one or more occupation-name concepts, often within a single SSYK level 4 group. There are however cases in which a barometer occupation is tied to occupation-name concepts belonging to different SSYK level 4 groups.
graph LR; B --related--> A A("occupation-name") B("barometer-occupation");
The composition of a barometer occupation can change over time, with new occupation-name concepts being added or deprecated. New barometer occupations may also be added.
The dataset
The dataset concerning the barometer occupations is useful for all organizations that offer services in career and educational guidance and want to help their target groups make well-informed decisions. Actors who want deeper insights into the labor market also benefit from the dataset.
Before using the dataset, please consult the following documents:
The barometer occupations, together with the dataset, are managed by the Analytics Department at Arbetsförmedlingen.
GraphQL examples
The queries below can be tested through our GraphiQL interface.
Get all barometer occupations with related occupation name concepts
query q {
concepts(type: "barometer-occupation") {
related(type: "occupation-name") {